Cecile Richards is surrounded by doctors, nurses, and patients, including Sunny Soroosh.

Vogue Magazine

Cecile Richards on Planned Parenthood, the Resistance, and Galvanizing the Next Generation of Activists

Sunoz Soroosh standing at a microphone wearing a white lab coat that says "Planned Parenthood" on it. Sunoz stands in a group of protesters holding signs that say "Don't Take Away our Care" and "Time to Lead NY. Support Real Access."

Huffington Post

New York State Senate: You Are Running Out Of Time To Protect Reproductive Rights

Are You or Your Partner Traveling Soon? Here’s What You Need to Know About Zika

Sunny Soroosh and Kae Tvrdy are standing on a stage hosting a show. Sunny is wearing a red sweatshirt that says "Not all pregnant people are women" and blue jeans. Kae is holding a microphone and wearing a beige sweatshirt and a black skirt.

Metro weekly

Editors Pick: Yes Homo! Comedy Celebrates LGBTQ Comics

Sunny Soroosh is smiling at the camera, wearing a blue scrub top and pink stethoscope around her neck.

Nashville Voyager

Meet Sunny Soroosh - Portraits of Nashville

Sunny Soroosh is wearing full personal protective equipment wearing a name tag that reads "Sunny, RN. I speak Spanish!"

Frontier Nursing University

COVID-19 Front Lines: Sunoz “Sunny” Soroosh Answers the Call at Makeshift Hospital in New York City


Sunny Soroosh is wearing a light blue scrub top and a navy blue Planned Parenthood jacket.

Rewire News Group

I’m a Proud Abortion Provider. Here’s Why.


Sunny is standing against a burnt red clay wall with lights wearing light blue scrubs and a pink stethoscope around her neck.


Does Curb Walking Help Induce Labor? Here’s What Experts Want You to Know.

Soapy hand holding a bar of soap

Yahoo Life